Jan 30, 2008

Check whether the email id is valid

There are lots of websites providing free email services which are available nowadays, along with that there are so many fake mailing services mixing with the original ones. Sometimes we may have a doubt that whether the email id is valid or not (i.e.) whether the address of the mail is valid. If you have a doubt whether the mail which comes from the correct users address, we can verify the address through this website www.verify-email.org.

This site is created specifically for verifying the users email id. To check for correct email id we have to first enter in to this site and give the address where the mail came from. As soon as we enter the address this site will automatically link to the server of the user and will check whether it is valid email id and also verify whether user is having a inbox for this id. If the email id given has an inbox then this site will give the information that the mail id is valid. By using this facility we can easily find out the duplicate email ids.